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If you have any questions about our Membership Commitment Model, please contact either our president ( or our office staff (650.349.2816 or
Welcome PSC member! Click "login" in the upper right hand corner of your screen. You can reset your password if you forgot it. IMPORTANT INFO: You need to log in to your shulcloud account if you would like to:
If you aren't logged in you can only pay by credit card. Please note that paying by credit card incurs an ~ 3% convenience fee for us. This fee is not optional. To avoid the fee, please log in and use one of the options listed above. If you would like a paper form mailed to you or need help accessing your account, please email or call 650-349-2816. * denotes required field
Member Information
Membership Commitment Details
Total Membership Commitment
Please confirm the total $ you are committing to for the 2024-2025 fiscal year (flex + Kesher donations.)
By typing your full name below, you affirm that you (as an individual or family) consider yourself/selves to be PSC members for the 2024-25 fiscal year.